Acai (ah-sigh-ee) berries, native to South and Central America, are reddish-purple fruits that grow on acai palm trees. In the 1990s, acai berries were found to be highly nutritional, and today, acai berries are also called ‘superfoods.’
What is an acai bowl?
An acai bowl is simply a smoothie of frozen acai berries in a bowl, topped with other fruits like bananas, blueberries, kiwis, and sometimes granola and shredded coconut. Healthy food solutions like acai bowls in san diego, ca, are observing an increasing demand, and there are important reasons behind it. According to the government of San Diego County, in 2020, heart disease ranked second in the top 5 diseases causing death in the County, and acai berries are proven to keep the heart healthy.
Acai bowls have several health benefits that are too hard to overlook.
Health benefits of an acai bowl
Acai bowls are friendly for your heart.
Acai berries are filled with antioxidants and heart-healthy fats. These berries lower ‘bad’ cholesterol, which is responsible for heart blockage, and increase ‘good’ cholesterol to keep your heart healthy. Furthermore, acai contains beneficial fibers, reducing heart disease risk. An acai bowl topped with cranberries, bananas, apples, and avocados, which care for your heart, is the healthiest smoothie bowl to look forward to.
Acai promotes weight loss.
Acai bowls are a good alternative to snacks which can often be unhealthy. These bowls are very fulfilling and aid the digestive system in processing food better, which further helps in properly utilizing calories by your body.
Revitalizes skin
As soon as skincare companies discovered the benefits acai has in store for the skin, skincare products with acai berry extract swept the market by storm. With high antioxidants, acai berries are great for the skin. Therefore, it is no mystery that an acai bowl with other ingredients friendly to the skin is becoming as essential as daily skincare products.
Boosts your brain
Research studies on acai berries have shown that it has a preventive impact on diseases like Dementia and Alzheimers. Acai berries are rich in anthocyanin, an antioxidant that promotes your brain’s activities. Anthocyanin helps in reducing stress and boosts learning ability and motor skills. In other words, anthocyanin and acai berries are good at enhancing your mood too.
Fights cancer
Years of research have shown that acai berries are packed with anticancer chemicals, also known as phytochemicals. Apart from this, the nutrients present in these berries have anti-inflammatory properties and other health benefits that promote healthy cells and reduce the overall risk of cancer upon daily consumption.
The San Diego County government reported in 2020 that cancer tops the list of top 5 fatal diseases in the County. Since acai berries have anticancer properties, acai bowls in san diego, ca, are a healthy breakfast and snack alternative.
Good for diabetes
Acai berries run low on sugar content, which makes these berries very ideal for people with diabetes. The berries also help regulate blood sugar levels by improving the work of insulin in your body. The hormone insulin is responsible for regulating the sugar in your blood. For people suffering from diabetes mellitus, insulin levels are either low or unable to function properly.
Data shows that in 2017, diabetes claimed 87 men out of every 100,000 men and 55 women out of every 100,000 women in San Diego County. This number has only increased in the past four years.
In conclusion, acai bowls live up to their name of being the healthiest smoothie bowl. Apart from this, acai bowls are visually tempting and tasty too. It’s time for you to turn to a healthy and delicious alternative.