From the flounder of Taraba-gani to the horsehair crab Ke-gani, a variety of crabs is served in Japan, but a variety, highly valued as an excellent culinary ingredient that is available in the winter, stands out in particular Because of its popularity. . This crab, sought after as a winter delicacy, is the snow crab Zuwai-gani (or simply “Zuwai-gani” in Japanese). To conserve this marine resource, the collection of the snow crab Zuwai-gani is only allowed for a limited time during the winter. Therefore, to experience this delicacy in all its freshness and exquisiteness, it is recommended that you try it during the winter.
There are a lot of sushi restaurants and Washoku food establishments (traditional Japanese cuisine) that serve crab cuisine, including those located near fish markets and fishing grounds. An example of this is the “Kani Doraku” franchise, whose restaurants offer a wide selection of crab dishes served in an interior that offers a traditional Japanese atmosphere. “Kani Doraku” restaurants can easily be seen by their signs with a giant crab. All we can say is that if you visit Japan during the winter, it is highly recommended to try a dish of Zuwai-gani snow crab.
Characterized by a shape that is thinner than the other crabs, the Zuwai-gani battered cod is loaded with concentrated “umami” (salty flavor) that snow crab lovers crave, and attracts the palate with a clearly sweet taste note. The Zuwai-gani inhabits mainly on the west coast of Japan, in the Sea of Japan (to the north of Hokkaido and to the south of Tottori Prefecture), where the snow crab fishing season opens around November, and the harvest continues until around March of the following year. In some regions of Japan,