A burger without cheese isn’t really a good burger, but with so many cheeses availableit can be quite overwhelming to decide on the perfect cheese foryourburger.
American cheese slicesare one of the popular cheeses used in burgers, as it blends perfectly with the patty without making any mess. But there are many more options other than American cheese that you can use to make a delicious burger.
Besides, not every cheese can be used in burgers, the best cheese for the burger needs to have the ability to melt with soft-texture.
Here are my top three favouritecheeses that I use in my burgers:
Hi-Melt Cheese Slices (American Cheese)
American cheese is without a doubt myfavouritecheese when it comes to burgers. It gives life to the burger, the ooey-gooey goodness melts and perfectly blends with the patty – each bite of the burger is just WOW!
Hi-Melt cheese slices (American cheese) typically come pre-sliced into exact slices, so you don’t have to worry about overeating;one cheese slice to one burger patty.It has a medium-firm consistency, creamy texture, and has a low melting point, that’s the perfect combination for a burger cheese.
American cheese is the best cheese out there, but for me – it’s the best cheese for a burger. If you are looking for hi-melt cheese in Australia, you can get high-quality cheese from Pure Dairy. They have the best American cheese slices specially made to enhance the taste of yourburger.
Swiss Cheese Slices
Yes! You read it right – Swiss Cheese. The soft texture and the enhanced flavour once melted is the reason why it’s one of my favourite cheeses for a burger. Trust me; it’s an excellent option for a burger.
It has sweet and nutty taste and blends with anything. Swiss cheese also tastes like a caramelized onion, which is an additional benefit while making a burger. You can have that extra onion taste.
If you have not tried adding swiss cheese slices in your burger, you better try it now! Order fresh swiss cheese from Pure Dairy and layer it on your burgers for a new delicious cheeseburger.
Natural Cheddar Slices
Cheddar is another tough competitor when it comes to the best cheese for burgers. Thishard, orange, and natural cheese is one of the best options for those who like a non-processed cheese. Cheddar is the second most famous burger cheese after American cheese.
Made from fresh cow milk, it’s a delight for burgers fans. Mild cheddar cheese slices give the right amount of sharpness to make your taste buds crave for more.
For burger lovers,Pure Dairy offers a high-quality natural cheddar slicefull of flavour that your taste buds will never forget.
There is no perfect cheese for a burger, as everyone has different tastes. It’s always good to trydifferent versions of burgers rather than eating the same classic burger again and again. Each cheese has its own taste and texture and it all depends on the burger eaters’ individual likes.
Yes, the above mention cheeses – American cheese, swiss cheese, and cheddar cheese – are the most popular burger cheeses,but you don’t have to stick to just these three cheeses; you can try different all cheeses and reward yourself with delicious burgers.