As the name suggests, House parties are hosted at your house for friends and family where crazy parting happens, lots of alcohol and other drugs. These parties are usually private, consisting of invites only; thus, they provide the goers with a sense of security and safety. They will also leave your house looking messy and crazy, and you may end up even regretting hosting. However, house parties have been prevalent for a long time now. However, over the past few years especially post covid pandemic, these kinds of parties have gained popularity and are slowly replacing clubbing.
Here are some reasons why house parties are slowly becoming the new night out
- They feel safer and more flexible
House parties are safer, private, and welcoming. On the other hand, clubs will give the complete opposite as you meet with various strangers. While this can be a great way to socialise and meet new people, most people are not for the idea of clubbing with strangers as you may not be aware of their intentions. House parties consist primarily of friends and family, and if you are close with the host, you may know everyone in that room. Therefore this setup will minimize socializing and allow people to be free and let go. Moreover, there’s a lot of free alcohol at such parties, and if alcohol runs out, you can order beer online.
- Foods and drinks are much cheaper at house parties
Going to a club can be more expensive than having a house party. Clubs nowadays have inflated prices on the drinks, which may highly impact your wallet, especially if you make it a routine. You may also not get the beverage of your choice. On the other hand, you will get the drinks and food of your choice at house parties. This is feasible as most hosts use the BYOD affair. Everyone is allowed to bring a drink of their choice, and if it runs out, they may order online. Therefore carrying your drink, you may mix up with friends and get yourself a cocktail at a significantly lower price. The BYOD is a very convenient style for both the host and yourself as you will get the drink of your choice without paying for the inflated prices in clubs. Also, in most cases, the host has organized food and how people can get their choice.
- Music
Another reason why house parties are gaining popularity is that they allow people to be themselves while listening to the music of their choice. In clubs, you are limited to a DJ, which can be a disadvantage, especially if the DJ does not play your taste of music. Therefore you end up having a boring night. On the other hand, at house parties, you have more possibilities to listen to music you enjoy. You can even play DJ and alter the music or mix a few tracks if you want to. If you’re on the side and someone else is incorporating the music, you may always approach them and request a change. After all, it’s a house party. Everything is light-hearted, judgment-free, and pleasurable.
In conclusion, house parties are slowly becoming the new night out due to the flexibility and freedom. Moreover, the pandemic has highly contributed to this popularity due to the limitation of crowded places.