Flour-based food baked in an oven like bread, pastry, cakes, cookies, etc. fall under Bakeries. If you want to start a Hong Kong company, establishing a bakery shop and selling baked products can be a great idea. There is a certain procedure to follow and a license to run a bakery shop in Hong Kong successfully.
Before starting the article, working with professionals makes it easier to obtain a license. On the other hand, you can also buy an existing business. You can check Easy Buy Sell Business, a business sales center to find new Hong Kong business for sale 2020.
Steps to follow to establish a bakery shop in Hong Kong
Company incorporation
Anyone intending to establish a bakery shop in Hong Kong must obtain the certificate of company incorporation from the Hong Kong company registry.
Selection of suitable location
The location must be selected in accordance with the health requirements, fire safety requirements, and building safety requirements. Building a bakery in a place where the activities of people are decent would be highly recommended.
Application for bakery license
Bakery licenses must be obtained from the Hong Kong Food and Environmental Hygiene Department in order to open a bakery shop in Hong Kong. The application procedure to be followed to obtain a license is listed below.
Applicants must submit the application form obtained from FRHD after suitably filling the form. Documents. The documents include the complete address of premises along with the detailed layout of the location. Applicant’s details like individual information also need to be submitted. The details of equipment that would be used like heating equipment, air-conditioning equipment, and other equipment must be submitted. After reviewing the documents properly, if the department finds it satisfactory then they will provide the bakery license to the applicant after collecting the required fee. If the owner wants to sell other products in the bakery, then they need to obtain a separate license.
Staffs hiring
Bakery shops need to hire staff according to Employment law. The owner must observe tax requirements and other compliances. On hiring local staff, there is no need for a work permit, but a valid work permit is required to hire international workers. Staff hiring guidelines for Hong Kong Company will guide the company on how to hire a competent workforce.
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