Cakes are a delicious and beautiful centrepiece to any event, but there are some secrets to delivering a cake safely. When you’re transporting the cake, make sure it’s in an upright position with plenty of space around it at all times. This will help prevent any accidents from happening on your way into that special place where the birthday or wedding celebration is being held.
But how are cake deliveries in Singapore conducted successfully? Here are some secrets master bakers do to ensure the safety of their sweet creations while on the road to their destination:
- Secure the cake’s foundation.
The key to a successful cake is structure. Without good foundation, your house will come tumbling down or be blown away by strong winds! You should always make sure that the first three layers have dowels in them so you can keep it stable when transporting and handling later on during transport/icing of decorations for instance – no need panic with this step because all parts are interconnected well enough as long as they’re secure at base levels too (even if there’s not an actual centre rod).
If you’re transporting a cake, make sure it’s on wheels and not just solid boards. The latter can cause cracks in the frosting if handled roughly by airport staff or other means of transportation; while this doesn’t sound all that appetizing; at least there won’t be any crumbs for hungry passengers to snack on.
- Foam pads do the trick.
There are many ways you can protect your cakes from getting damaged by potholes and other things that could happen on the road. One of these is using foam pads, which will cushion any blows to prevent unnecessary breaking or cracking in some cases.
Aside from foam pads, you can also use non-slip mats on the base of the vehicle to ensure that the cake won’t move during transport. You need to make sure your cake is secure in the boot before you close it tight. Place a mat at either end of where ever will be resting so there’s no carpet or anything underneath, and use yoga mats on top if necessary for extra insurance.
- Use a corrugated box.
The best way to protect your cake is by using a shipping box that will fit it, but if you can’t find one close in size then don’t panic. Simply line the inside of both sides with foam and place sheets or boards across each end so there’s no lid pushing up against dirt-along baseboards before filling them halfway full with crumbs from an old piece of bread (or cereal). Place smaller cakes on their own layer while larger ones should go onto three layers at most – just make sure none are too high. Also, be careful when handling fragile items like glasses unless they’re wrapped first.
- Always carry a cake repair kit.
Cake deliveries in Singapore should have a kit with them when they head out for an event. It’s important not only in case the venue has damaged or dirty surfaces that need repairs, but also just in general because you never know what could happen.
You’ll want to be prepared by carrying extra decorations and tools such as icing so finishing touches can be added after setting up camp at your next gig – do NOT forget these essentials though- wear them around your neck if possible so there are no accidents while traveling between locations.