Did you know that the practice of grilling food was invented around 500,000 years ago and coincided with the harnessing of fire? Back then, people grilled food over an open fire with wood sticks, but today, we are much more technologically equipped. We also have different ways to cook food such as barbecuing.
But when it comes to grilling vs. bbq grills for sale oakville mo, you may be wondering if there is any difference between them at all. Keep reading and learn more about grilling and barbeque restaurant denver co below.
What Is Grilling?
Everyone is familiar with grilling, but what makes it unique? The characteristics of grilling start with the introduction of fire and the kind of food you use. When it comes to fire, your grill may need coals to start cooking food or it may only need propane.
Gas grills are a much more modern invention and can get very hot very fast. This is in contrast to more traditional grills such as coal grills that need some time to smolder before they get hot enough to cook. Gas grills burn very cleanly so the gas won’t provide any extra aroma or flavor to your food.
This is ideal if you want to preserve the flavor of your food. On the other hand, when you use coal for your grill, you can give your food a delicious smoky aroma and flavor. This can make the taste of your food much more complex and interesting (although it may not be best for all types of food).
When it comes to the difference between a grill vs. barbecue, a big difference is that grilling is best for smaller portions of food. Think steaks, cuts of chicken, fish, corn on the cob, and so on. Grills are only large enough to fit certain cuts of meat, so you won’t be able to roast a whole hog on your grill.
You also don’t need to spend a lot of time grilling if you don’t want to. Grills can get very hot very fast, so if you want to give a steak a quick sear, you won’t have any problems. You can also slow-cook meat on a grill, but this isn’t a common practice for grills.
Because grills are so hot, it’s usually better to cook fast rather than slow.
What Is Barbecuing?
If you have been to a BBQ restaurant, you may already know a bit about how barbecuing works. When it comes to barbecuing and grilling and the specific characteristics of barbecue, you should know that barbecuing meat takes much longer than the grill. While you might only spend a few minutes cooking on the grill, you will need to spend several hours when barbecuing meat.
The reason why it takes so long to barbeque food is because of the types of meat that are usually barbecued. As explained before, a grill can only accommodate certain sizes of meat. Usually, smaller cuts of meat are not very fatty and don’t require a lot of preparation.
All you need to do is sear the meat for a few minutes and you’re done. But with barbecue, you are working with much larger and tougher cuts of meat. You will usually also be working with cuts that are full of ligaments and bones such as ribs and shoulders.
Searing these cuts of meat won’t do you much good. Cooking them too fast would result in a very tough and unpleasant kind of meal. You would also struggle to remove the meat from the bones and ligaments.
This is why cooking the cuts for a long time is important. When you barbecue meat, you won’t be dealing with such high temperatures as you would with a grill. Instead, a barbecue smolders at a lower temperature for a very long period.
These conditions allow the cooking meat to loosen from any bones and ligaments. In some cases, you may need to barbecue certain cuts of meat for 24 hours or more. Usually, the slower you cook meat on a barbecue, the more tender and juicy it will be.
Grilling vs. BBQ
Grilling vs. BBQ is not an argument as to which method is better but rather which method you prefer. Grilling and BBQ have their unique characteristics and because they are so different, you can’t say that one method is better than the other. They can produce two very different types of meat and one cannot easily do what the other can do.
Both grills and BBQs can produce some delicious food. Grills are popular for grilling hamburgers, steaks, fish, chicken, and vegetables, among other things. You don’t need a lot of time when you cook on the grill because of how hot the grill can get.
However, you might not be able to achieve such a tender piece of meat on a grill as you could when you barbecue. When you barbecue a piece of meat, you will need patience. You can’t always be checking on the meat as you might with your grill.
You will need to wait many hours before you can eat so it’s best to start cooking the meat a day ahead of time. But once the meat is finished, you will find that it is incomparably tender, smoky, and flavorful.
All about Grilling and Barbecue
When it comes to grilling vs. BBQ, it all depends on what you want out of your meal. If you want something with a quick and crispy sear, try grilling. If you want a piece of meat to fall off the bone, opt for BBQ.
To learn more, check out the cooking section on our website.